The one thing you must do before 2016
By: Jessica Semaan
The origin of the word January, dates back to Janus who was the Roman god of doors, and had two faces, one looking forward and one back. Caesar named the first month of the year, after the God’s name appropriately so.
As we open one door and close another, it is important to honor the year we had, and prepare for the one coming up.
Whether it is a new year, a birthday, a breakup, or a vacation, these events symbolize opportunities to begin again, to commit or recommit.
Most importantly with a new beginning comes momentum. Momentum gives you the energy to restart.
To help you look back at 2015 and set intentions for 2016, my team and I at The Passion Co. created Reflect — the ultimate guide for the new year.
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With questions, prompts and beautiful designs you can enjoy this free guide with your friend, partner or on your own.
The guide focuses on key areas of your life:
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Two years ago today, I gathered in my friend’s living room in San Francisco with 6 other girlfriends. We each brought our favorite beverage, and for 3 hours that evening, we envisioned our upcoming year, we set goals, chose a word for the year, and went into the new year with clarity and preparation.
With this free guide, you can do the same with your friends.
During this crazy holiday season, make it a point to pause with your close ones, and prepare for a year to come, a new start, and many good things.
To a wonderful 2016!
Jessica & The Passion Co. team
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About the author: Born and raised in Lebanon, Jessica is the founder of The Passion Co.and Start Conference. Previously, she spent 4 years at Airbnb, building and scaling operations. She teaches at Stanford Design School, and resides in San Francisco. Stay in touch with her work by subscribing to her bi-weekly newsletter here.